Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I named the blog after a slogan my husband used while running for student government in middle school: "I'm a Randall, but I ain't no vandal!" Randallizing is like vandalizing, only not destructive to your health, psyche, home, or wallet. Basically, when you come to this blog, prepare to have your world rocked. Because we're so cool. Lol. I say that tongue-in-cheek. I think we're awesome, but sometimes I'm going to employ an ironic tone of type to spice things up.

I was diagnosed yesterday with multiple sclerosis, so I figured now's as good a time as any to start up a blog. I'm anticipating some increased introspection in the future, and I'm hoping that I can create some kind of supportive, uplifting resource for people. And I'm hoping to document an increase of cognitive ability once I start treatment. As in, being able to remember words and write as cleverly as I used to. Or, as cleverly as I think I used to. Haha.

Not that this blog is going to be all about that. I think it's silly to pin all of your identity on one little thing, especially if it's something that can be depressing. But it is a part of my life, so expect some flavorings of MS--so far I'm doing very well, so I don't anticipate depressing anyone about it. Positivity is a powerful thing.

Mostly, I'm going to be recording cool stuff about what we're up to, how cool we are lol, the cuteness and growing-up adventures of Randino #1 (our son, turning 1 year old in August!!), and, of course, I have to talk about my shop of goodness because I think that's awesome, too. And I'm hoping you guys like what I'm making, too, and buy everything :D Haha.

For example, here's a custom stick pony I'm just finishing up today. Remember Rainbow Brite? Yeah, this is Starlite! I haven't taken pictures of him on his stick yet, I'm waiting for him to dry before I move him around. :)
You can check out my shop for more:

More to come. I'm going to go play with my baby. I can hear him pulling his toys off his shelf. :D

1 comment:

  1. Perfect! He is so happy to have his toy shelf back! :) I am glad you are doing this... should be very helpful! loves you! <3
