Sunday, January 15, 2012

Reflections on Pregnancy, round 2

As of Thursday, my official 14-week milestone, I've officially gone public with pregnancy number 2. As in, I posted it on facebook and say without hesitation or awkwardness, "Yes, I am," to anyone who asks. (Unfortunately, that's been a lot of people...people who know me started asking at 6 weeks. On Friday, I was asked for the first time by a stranger. My husband tells me to take it as a compliment that it's clear I'm pregnant, but I'm not too happy about the idea of looking so obviously pregnant so soon.)

There are some things I'm realizing and learning this time around:

1. You forget how physically miserable it is to be pregnant when you're not pregnant. You're sitting there with your son or daughter and thinking, "Yes, it's time for a second child." Then you get pregnant. You get exhausted, nauseous, uncomfortable, and miserable, and you think, "Yes, this is the last time I get pregnant. I think if we want more kids, we're definitely going to adopt." I'll probably fall right back into the same trap when this one gets older, though, and be all excited about having another, because I'll forget how miserable I am pregnant.

2. Your body remembers what it's like to be pregnant. It's like all of your muscles and ligaments just let go as soon as you get pregnant. I seriously started having round ligament pain 3 days after I got pregnant, which is depressing, since I didn't get it with Ezra until 7 months. Now I have to assume the fetal position any time I need to sneeze or cough, to keep from feeling like I've been shived in the side.Oh, and we won't even go into other precautions I need to take when I feel a sneeze coming on :(

3. Maternity clothes are so generous and forgiving in their sizing. I've gone down a few pant sizes from even my pre-pregnancy size since Ezra was born, but I've never, ever been a size 2. But I am in Liz Lange under-the-belly maternity jeans! That's a nice ego boost for when you're ballooning up, but it's something of a double-edged sword, because I'll probably only ever be a size 2 when I'm actually I lose the size when I lose the balloon-esqu figure, lol. Unfair.

That's all I had floating around in my head at the moment. I'm sure I'll have more as I get more pregnant.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tips, Cassie! I hope that things continue to go well for you -and that the nausea goes away soon :)
